
Information About Employment for Autistic Individuals

Having a job and earning a wage is a fundamental part of most adults' lives. It brings an income, independence and respect. Many people with autism or Asperger syndrome share this wish to work, yet currently only 6 per cent have full-time jobs. People with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) often find it hard to get and keep a job because of the challenges they face as part of their condition and because employers lack an understanding of autism. Employers often do not realise a person with an ASD can bring strong skills, abilities and talents to the workplace.

The pack which you can download below (it's the second link) provides information about how you can overcome these difficulties and the support that is available to you if you want to get a job.

Contents of the pack:

Having a job
Different kinds of work
How to start looking for a job
Support to help you get a job
Interview tips
Your rights under the Disability Discrimination Act When you start work
Information for parents or carers of someone with an ASD who wants to work
Further advice and information
PLEASE NOTE if you are experiencing problems downloading the brochures, please refer to the 'Help' page accessible at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Scroll down to get to the information on PDFs.

Alternatively, you can request a copy of the brochure of your choice from the NAS Policy Department on 020 7903 3558 between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday

The Undiscovered Workforce: Looking for a job (PDF)


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